Throughout history, men have always looked for new ways to improve their overall health and potency. A technique that has been used since ancient times is deliberate abstinence from ejaculation. The retention of sperm/potential life energy that has been documented in many cultures is associated with both physical and mental well-being. A well-known example is tantric sex, which encourages men to refrain from ejaculation in order to connect with their partner on a deeply intimate level and experience a deeper sense of connection and pleasure. Many modern practitioners find that abstaining from ejaculation leads to a number of health benefits.
Some of these perceived health benefits include:
- Less stress
- Improved motivation
- Increased self-confidence and self-esteem
- A higher level of self-control
- Better concentration
- More energy
- More happiness
- More creativity
- Better relationships
- Increased stamina
- The ability to experience whole body orgasms
It is also believed that sperm retention can boost fertility by improving sperm quality and increasing testosterone levels, which also explains an increase in energy and a better mood. The power of not ejaculating is holding the life energy (sexual energy) and not working purposefully towards a so-called orgasm, which is often very short-lived and can also be very addictive. Especially for men, there are healthy and unhealthy limits. And the consequences of constantly depleting your life energy (sexual energy) through ejaculation are greater than you might expect.
If you regularly ejaculate more than what your body is actually asking for, and is able to keep up with, it is not only unnecessary, but has some serious consequences. It robs you of your potential life energy, wastes your creative energy and ultimately limits your potential in life.
For most men with an average sex drive, excessive ejaculation is the equivalent of smoking weed every day. Yes, it relaxes you... but too much. And there's usually a reason why we ejaculate chronically, other than it's an addictive habit. Ejaculating too often can be a sign that you are afraid of living your true potential.
Why a so-called "happy ending", after all, is not always truly "happy"
What really happens in the brain during and after ejaculation? When you see something exciting, your brain releases a small dose of dopamine, one of the neurohormones that works as a reward mechanism. Dopamine is a built-in motivational tool. Letting go is your body's way of encouraging you to keep moving toward something you see or do (such as eating, having sex, achieving something, getting positive social validation, etc.) by making you feel good every step of the way.
When you have an orgasm (a so-called "happy ending"), you get an even higher amount of that feel-good hormone, but it comes with a larger cocktail of other hormones at the same time, such as noradrenaline, serotonin, nitric oxide, oxytocin, vasopressin, and prolactin (the last three of which are strongly linked to sleep and can promote drowsiness.) Most of these neurochemicals are responsible for feelings of happiness, connection, calming, and reduction of feelings of stress and pain. With effects like that, you can see a very clear reason why ejaculation can be so addictive and not just a fun distraction to break up the day. If you have any level of unconscious anxiety or are experiencing emotional pain, making yourself ejaculate is an easily accessible opiate that helps you dissociate from what you're really feeling.
To be continued.