Premature ejaculation (further referred to as PE) occurs when a man ejaculates faster than he or his partner would like, which often leads to feelings of dissatisfaction and shame. PE can develop at any time in a man's life and may be more common than people think.
Possible causes of PE
The causes of PE can be physical, psychological and/or a combination of both.
Physical causes
It is thought that low levels of testosterone and the neurotransmitter serotonin and other hormonal imbalances may be possible causes or contributors to PE. Taking certain medications can help correct and possibly resolve this physical imbalance in the body. If you suspect that PE may be present, you can consult your GP or ask for a referral to a men's clinic that specializes in this.
Psychological causes
These can vary widely, such as doubts about one's own body image or desire to perform, previous negative sexual experiences (such as sexual abuse) and problems within an existing relationship (whether or not related to previous negative sexual experiences). Negative cultural conditioning and beliefs around sexuality can also lead to feelings of shame and guilt around sexuality. These can be very limiting for one's own experience of sexuality and the experience of pleasure, and sexual intercourse can lead to PE.
Erectile dysfunction
(Further referred to as ED) can sometimes also be a contributing factor, as men who find it difficult to get or maintain an erection sometimes also develop PE. Because ED can also have physical or psychological causes, it is a good idea to address these as well.
Tantric healing sessions
Tantric healing sessions can help address PE by investigating possible underlying psychological causes. Learning and practicing specific techniques that can help delay premature ejaculation and correct any erection problems.
A simple way to help with PE is to slow down and take more time to relax the body. Deeper breathing can help delay premature ejaculation. Relaxation and deep breathing can also help the body open up to greater pleasure, making it easier for sexual energy to spread to other parts of the body. Using this technique correctly will often significantly reduce the tension and urge to ejaculate.
Most men have gotten into the habit of masturbating quickly and purposefully. During the authentic tantra massage including lingam massage, men can learn new techniques, as well as ways to slow down and take more time for self-love and experience more pleasure in this. This can both lead to a richer and more fulfilling experience of self-love. This can help you feel more relaxed, allowing you to be and remain energetically connected for longer when you are intimate with your partner.