Trauma healing through tantra (part 2)

How do we heal trauma?
Stephen Porges, author of Polyvagal theory, brings scientific evidence that the symptoms of trauma are biologically established. The Polyvagal Theory is a new understanding of how our nervous system works and explains trauma responses and very essence of social behaviour. He states there are 3 branches of the autonomic nervous system:

  1. Parasympathetic - Freeze/dissociation
  2. Sympathetic - Fight/flight
  3. Social engagement - Connection, compassion, feeling, self-soothing, love

This knowledge helps us to understand how trauma symptoms manifest as well as how to help to heal them.

Due to the fact that our body literally tries to shut out the traumatic experience, the normal ability to feel both external and internal sensations is limited or shut down. Re-activating the ability to feel sensations is the key to healing trauma.

Unresolved trauma seeks expression through restless legs, headaches, backaches, clenched jaws, flashbacks, bad dreams, anxious thoughts, and countless other outlets. Using trauma-informed therapy like Tantra, with witch mind-and body are trained, supports the healing process. Healing results when the client feels empowered to release the protective armours safely, because the sense of danger, that has continued to exist long after the trauma stopped can finally be felt and released.

To heal trauma and come back to social engagement, we need to restore our sense of safety, trust, layers of protection which we have placed, thaw the frozen feelings as well as integrate our disconnected parts. The good news is trauma healing does not always have to be a long and painful process. It does not always require hours of talking therapy, medication, or reliving the traumatic memories.

Since trauma leads to a disconnection with the physical body, it is important to adopt practices that can connect the person back to the body. Tantra is an embodied practice.

How can a tantric healing session heal Trauma?
Tantra is a spiritual path that can take a person from thinking to feeling, from stuck to freedom and from contraction to expansion. A tantric healing session offers a way to dissolve shame and guilt around sexuality and to embrace the body and its natural ways of feeling pleasure and joy. It is a way to develop more self-love and greater self-esteem, and offers techniques to heal all kinds of sexual dysfunction and trauma.

After a traumatic experience, changes happen on a physical , emotional, mental and spiritual level. This is so important to heal on a holistic level.

  • Physical - Trauma gets trapped in the physical body. Tantra helps through safe touch, shaking, body massage, lingam and prostate massage for men and yoni massage for women, pressure points and de-armouring
  • Emotional - Trauma makes a person overwhelmed - fear, guilt, shame, anger, grief. Tantra helps through emotional release
  • Mental - Trauma affects the brain. We adopt limiting beliefs which keep us safe. Tantra helps with rewiring the brain and adopt empowering beliefs
  • Spiritual - A traumatised person feels fragmented, disconnected and incomplete. Tantra brings love, wholeness and connection.

To be continued

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