Lingam massage-healing

Lotus achtergrond
The diamond in the lotus

Sacred Lingam healing

This in-depth Lingam healing is a massage that helps you accept yourself and your own masculinity and learn to consciously deal with sexual life energy. It offers new opportunities to explore and (re)discover the potential you have within you.

Water Lily

Experience the power of male sexuality

During this lingam healing session I will massage your lingam lovingly and with respect. This allows the fire in your pelvis to awaken and you can fully experience the power of this fire, your sexual potential. The starting point is to distribute this vital healing Kundalini energy that is released throughout the body. This gives you the opportunity to experience your body as one orgasmic whole, often experiencing feelings of bliss, ecstasy and wholeness.

This massage meeting is also about receiving what is offered to you. Because there is room for your desires, and you may receive this without having to accomplish anything or aim or expect to be someone, you can experience your sexual potency in all its strength and fullness, developing and increasing the ability to truly love . The sense of space, lightness and freedom will be part of this experience.

“Nothing to do, nowhere to go, no one to be”

A man who knows himself and his lingam can express his masculinity while being present with his feminine receptive side. This creates a sense of true satisfaction and an experience of wholeness. A loving home with yourself with everything there is.

After the session you have enough time for an afterglow to nurture and integrate this intense experience.

This specific lingam healing can only be received in combination with the authentic tantra massage.

If desired, this specific lingam healing can be combined with an extensive one pelvic floor massage (Sacred Point massage). This can lead to more depth and experience of your own sexuality.

Sacrale lingam healing voordelen

  • Resolving trauma, blockages and tension in the pelvis and lingam.
  • More connection, feeling and liveliness in your pelvis, your lingam and the overall body.
  • Free flow of sexual life energy which increases libido resulting in more fulfillment, pleasure and pleasure in daily life.
  • Creates a harmonious unity mentally, physically, energetically and sexually.
  • Reduces performance pressure, erection problems and prevents premature ejaculation.
  • Increases your self-confidence and self-esteem as a man.
  • Concentration and endurance ability increases with more focus. There is more embodiment and presence.
  • You can stay your own ground!
  • Experience the difference between orgasm and ejaculation.
  • Charging instead of discharging.
  • Ability to experience different energetic orgasms and orgasmic states.
  • Connecting sexuality with the heart which increases intimacy and love potential for yourself and your loved ones.
  • Healthy, fulfilling and happy relationships based on connection and intimacy.


  • Lingam healing (1.5 hours) € 200

    Deepening healing, including authentic tantra massage.

  • Lingam healing (2 hours) € 250

    Deepening healing, including authentic tantra massage.

  • Lingam healing (2.5 hours) € 300

    Deepening healing, including authentic tantra massage.

Any extension of a treatment is always possible / negotiable.

* We have a shower available.
* Showering is included in the price.
* All prices are including VAT.

Book a session now!

Are you curious and want to book a session or want more information? I can be reached daily from 9:00 am via WhatsApp nr. +31 6 8561 6197 and by phone nr. +31 6 4367 6693.