
I was seventeen years old, curious and adventurous as you can be at that age. In search of adventure and depth, it was time to break through the boundaries of my existence, spread my wings, explore the world, discover the full life. One thing was clear. I wanted to travel. But where to? The choice was unlimited, the field of possibilities and temptations endless. Was it coincidence or intuition?

Anyway, I followed my heart and chose Asia, and more especially India, the country where so much ancient wisdom and deep insight has been found. There I spent years wandering around with fellow travelers from very different backgrounds and visiting numerous ashrams: living and learning schools where wise teachers, gurujis, have taught me and let me experience what tantra really is: surrender to life itself in all its colors and shapes, the ability to embrace and enclose what life brings us with joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, comfort and resistance. And this from a deep realization that all this is connected; the insight that one cannot exist without the other, light not without darkness, male not without female. Life is a unity, separation is only an illusion.

After years of teaching meditation and tantric rituals, one of my gurujis gave me the name Samaya during an initiation. This name has since become the guiding principle of my life. Samaya means, "I am in love with you with everything there is."

Nourished with the knowledge and wisdom thus acquired, I have for years been part of several other communes around the world, where I have associated myself with all possible different cultures and nationalities. In those years I have been able to experience life in its full breadth in its various manifestations and also learned to accept with pain and effort, surrender to life itself as my gurujis had taught me.

Grateful for what I have learned and lived through, from the gentle strength of my being and from love and passion, I cannot express anything other than what has given me so much. Supported by the treasure trove of my experiences, I guide those who seek connection and wholeness. These experiences have become my silent companions. They give me the strength and confidence that enable me to reach out to others. To enter the circle of giving and receiving in loving presence. To dust off the mirror, walk the path of the heart and remember who you really are.

Everything you are looking for is you.

“Tantra is the new religion”


Samaya's Tantric Path

  • 1979 initiated in the field of tantric master Osho Poona
  • 1979 beginning of the practice of tantra, meditation and self-examination to the present
  • 2 year tantra teacher training led by Margo Anand - poona Germany
  • Initiation of the Cosmic Cobra breath as well as The tantric Kriya Yoga led by Bodhi Avinasha
  • 2 year tantra training Tantric Vision Germany
  • 1 year teacher training tantric vision Germany
  • Sexual Awarness Training Osho Humaniversity Egmond aan zee
  • Yoga of the touch training retreat led by Daniel Odier Germany
  • Wild Tantra couple training retreat led by Gitama and Hariprem Venwoude
  • Yogini training Retreat led by Prem Gitama Venwoude
  • Tantra massage training including Yoni and lingam massage led by Michaela Riedl
  • The Dragon; Tibetan Tantric Temple Massage retreat led by Dechzen House of Tantra
  • TheSnake; Tibetan Tantric Temple Massage retreat led by Dechzen House of Tantra
  • The Underground deep dive Tantric retreat olv Dechzen House of Tantra
  • Sexual D amouring training Sussane Roursgaard Venwoude

What is tantra to me?

For me, Tantra is living from unity; knowing deeply that one cannot go without the other. Because light does not go without darkness, masculine not without the feminine. (non-duality).

Living from an open heart is essential to me. The heart that does not judge, that wants to connect, give, cherish and love. The heart has a deep knowledge of the connection between heaven and earth, between male and female; everything comes together in this. The awareness that everything is connected, everything is one.

“No Meditation, No Live.
Know Meditation, know live.”


Samaya's path of meditation

  • Meditation retreats and training live
  • Enlightment intensive 10 days Poona
  • 21 days silent retreat France
  • 1 month vipassana retreat Jotika Hermsen Naarden
  • 3 months silent retreat led by different teachers (U.S.A)
  • Insight voice dialogue retreat led by Gregory Kramer
  • Self-compassion retreat Kristin Neff Amsterdam
  • Metta retreat Jotka Hermsen Naarden
  • 2 year course in Buddhist psychology Robert Hartzema
  • Meditation teacher and relaxation trainer training UTA Koln
  • Mindfulness based cognitive trainer training Seetrue
  • Compassion based training Frits Koster and Erik ten Brink
  • 5 keys of mindful communication Susan Chapman
  • The 5 elements training Tenzin Wenzgal Rinpoche Amsterdam
  • Enter the Bardo training Tenzi Wenzgal Rinpoche Amsterdam
  • Attended teachings/satsangs from various teachers & gurujis
  • Barry Long Tantric teacher – Eindhoven / Amsterdam
  • Neo Advaita teacher Poonjaji Lucknow
  • Rupert Spira teacher in Non duality Amsterdam
  • Founder of the Meditation teacher training course in the Netherlands
  • Until today connected to the Osho UTA institute Koln
  • Satori retreat Duitsland
  • 21 dagen darkness retreat Duitsland
  • Big mind big heart retreat Genpo Roshi Nederland

“The only way out is the way in.”
