Lotus achtergrond
The diamond in the lotus

Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Learn to deal with various problems such as anxiety or depression. Put an end to negative thoughts and focus on positivity.

Water Lily

What is ACT therapy?

ACT therapy usually takes the form of individual therapy. It is possible to individually follow a number of sessions. These are tailored to the individual themes, questions or difficulties depending on what you bring in and would like to investigate / deepen.

Core of the individual approach
The approach follows the core processes of ACT. This is done with the help of the book “Live as you would like…” by Gijs Jansen.

We work with the five pillars of the ACT, including mindfulness.

You can consider ACT therapy if you:

  • too much worry
  • are insecure, suffer from performance anxiety, panic and tension complaints
  • are often gloomy and have negative thoughts
  • find it scary to speak in a group
  • cannot always work socially, for example because you are shy
  • have a lot of stress due to work or study
  • suffer from a negative self-image
  • have chronic unexplained pain complaints
  • have trouble adapting to a new situation, eg due to divorce or illness
  • have trouble standing up for yourself
  • efface yourself too much
  • doubt a lot, difficult to make decisions
  • feel that there is more to get out of life

Practical information ACT

For information and questions regarding individual counseling ACT therapy, or an introductory meeting: see contact.


  • ACT therapy session € 100

    Per session

* All prices are including VAT.

Book a session now!

Are you curious and want to book a session or want more information? I can be reached daily from 9:00 am via WhatsApp nr. +31 6 8561 6197 and by phone nr. +31 6 4367 6693.