The diamond in the lotus
News and facts about tantra & healing ...

As a result of trauma, most people feel dissociated and disconnected from their bodies. In the body, there are areas of numbness, pain and pleasure. The first step is to make the person aware of the places in their body that are still frozen or numb.
Tantric Healing session brings wholeness to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. The intention is to integrate deep healing with a the client who was challenged or traumatised and therefore needs love, acceptance, attention and acknowledgement.
How do we heal trauma?
Stephen Porges, author of Polyvagal theory, brings scientific evidence that the symptoms of trauma are biologically established. The Polyvagal Theory is a new understanding of how our nervous system works and explains trauma responses and very essence of social behaviour. He states there are 3 branches of the autonomic ...
Trauma results from any event that overwhelms a person’s capacity to cope. The common ingredient is helplessness. When our capacity to defend ourselves through fight, flight or freeze is not successful, the unreleased survival energies stay stuck in our nervous system.
Premature ejaculation (further referred to as PE) occurs when a man ejaculates faster than he or his partner would like, which often leads to feelings of dissatisfaction and shame. PE can develop at any time in a man's life and may be more common than people think.
Your sexual energy is creative. You can waste this fuel source, or you can boost your energy and unlock your higher potential.
If you make the conscious choice to bring down the number of ejaculations you have, or to master new masturbation techniques, you will begin to experience some powerful shifts in your life ...
Throughout history, men have always looked for new ways to improve their overall health and potency. A technique that has been used since ancient times is deliberate abstinence from ejaculation. The retention of sperm/potential life energy that has been documented ...
Beware of the spiritual bypass - Professor of social psychology Roos Vonk about another pitfall: using spiritual techniques to avoid mental pain. “That's your feeling, I'll leave that with you. Since my spiritual retreat I can do that. So wonderful to be liberated from all those feelings.” ...
Ingenious ego - Is there a way to prevent spiritual narcissism? In itself it is nice that gurus embrace the importance of calming the ego - even though they often drive around in a Rolls Royce themselves. But can we really do that in practice? Only if we are aware of how incredibly ...
Self-esteem versus narcissism - Roos Vonk, professor of social psychology at Radboud University, and social psychologist Anouk Visser also conducted research into spiritual superiority. They interviewed psychologists, spiritual teachers, and laypeople, and asked them to describe people who use spirituality as a means of self-exaltation. They ...
Feeling superior to others, thinking that you have a monopoly on wisdom and that you are one step ahead of everyone else: in theory, spiritual training such as yoga, meditation and energetic healing could offer a good antidote to this. After all, the purpose of this type of training is to bring us more in touch with the here and mow, including ...
This causes an extremely neurotic state. You don't know what you want; you don't know what your real, authentic needs are. And you are constantly pursuing inauthentic needs, because only a feeling heart can give you the right feeling, put you on the track... what are your real needs? When these are suppressed, you create ...
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Are you curious and want to book a session or want more information? I can be reached daily from 9:00 am via WhatsApp nr. +31 6 8561 6197 and by phone nr. +31 6 4367 6693.