Lotus achtergrond
The diamond in the lotus

Consultations of Vedic Astrology

Insights through astrology.

Water Lily

Astrology as a guide

Who are you, what do you want, where are you and how do you intend to realize your deepest desires in the coming years. Health, relationships, work, children, spirituality and life mission. See here some popular themes that many people would like to have an answer to.

Vedic astrology is a spiritual approach to our life and is a signpost, a life agenda and a spiritual guide. She comes from the Indian tradition of wisdom and provides an in-depth understanding of the relationship between us and the universe and what we can learn from that intimate relationship.

Indian astrologers from the ancient Vedic civilization were far ahead of their time. They had a profound understanding of the mathematical makeup of the universe and the ongoing transformations of stars and planets. They were able to derive from this effects for every being who is subject to the cycle of life and death.

The planets in the horoscope are expressions of creative intelligence. The birth chart is an accurate compass, which accurately maps all character traits and life periods of, for example, a person.

Indian Astrology is above all a positive journey into and confirmation of who you are. And if there are any obstacles in your path in the present life period, Vedic astrology offers interesting remedies to neutralize certain, unfavorable influences.

The following information is required to be able to give a consultation:

  • Date of birth
  • Time of birth (as precise as possible)
  • Birthplace

If a birth time correction is required, namely when there is uncertainty about the time of birth, it can be calculated using a questionnaire.

The costs are € 25.

About Narada Kush
The consultations are given by Narada Kush. He has studied the various parts of the "Vedic wisdom" for many years and is known in the Netherlands and other countries as a teacher and consultant in this field.

Narada Kush
For the online academic Vocational Training Consultant Vedic Astrology, see www.naradakush.nl or www.bluestaracademie.nl

Vedic astrology

  • Consult € 95

    1 à 1½ hour. Including health advice, gemstone advice, a recording of the consultation and a printout of the birth card.

  • Birth time correction € 25

* All prices are including VAT.

Book a session now!

Are you curious and want to book a session or want more information? I can be reached daily from 9:00 am via WhatsApp nr. +31 6 8561 6197 and by phone nr. +31 6 4367 6693.